Amber Preston Aesthetics
Amber Preston Aesthetics Revepeel chemical peel application to skin

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a non-surgical procedure that exfoliates dead cells and peels away the skin’s top layer to improve sun-damaged, unevenly pigmented and wrinkled skin.

Why get a chemical peel?

As we age, dead skin cells do not fall off as easily as when we are younger, causing the skin to appear dull. If you want to minimize the wrinkles, sun damage, and blotchiness on your face and give your skin a smoother, brighter, more youthful appearance, a chemical peel may be right for you.


Every journey has to start somewhere.  Schedule your  in-depth chemical peel consultation with me. I will complete a thorough analysis of your skin, assess what peel is appropriate for you based on your goals and start prepping for your peel!

Chemical Peels Offered at

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