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The Skin Renewal Peeling is a unique treatment which produces a superior peeling that is safe and extremely effective. It achieves a true rejuvenation of the skin resulting in the dramatic improvement in its elasticity, texture and color. This unique peeling formulation removes any risk by using special base ingredients which have no penetration properties and cannot carry the peeling process too deeply into the skin. This peel penetrates to a certain level and no further therefore leaving less opportunity for human error and no toxic side-effects. Plus, the effects of the process continue for up to a year after as collagen and elastin formation take place over time.
The process is recommended as a treatment for aging skin, especially the deep wrinkles on the upper lip. This peeling works wonders for acne, pigmentation problems, blemishes, freckles and aging skin.
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The Skin Renewal Peeling is a deep, reliable exfoliation of the skin with no destruction of the living layers. It helps the rapid removal of several of the top dead cells layers and restores the skin, stimulating regrowth. Many skin layers are rejuvenated and thickened by the reaction triggered off by this peeling.
Most people initially require two to three Skin Renewal Peels to achieve the best result with this dramatically successful treatment. Thereafter, one annual maintenance peeling is recommended to maintain a fresh, smooth, glowing and problem free complexion. You will be guided and monitored through the peeling and the healing process by your skin care specialist.
Every journey has to start somewhere. Schedule your in-depth chemical peel consultation with me. I will complete a thorough analysis of your skin, assess what peel is appropriate for you based on your goals and start prepping for your peel!
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